PennWest California Graduate Student Costs

Your total costs for graduate study at PennWest California will depend on various factors, including:

  • Where you live (in-state or out-of-state residency).
  • Which graduate program you choose (master's or doctoral degree, certificate, certification or licensure).
  • Where your classes are delivered (on campus or online).
  • If you live in University housing (room and board options).

For most graduate students who live on campus, basic PennWest California costs include tuition, fees, University housing and meal plan.

Most graduate students depend on some form of financial aid to help manage college costs. Approximately 90% of all PennWest California students receive some form of financial assistance. Be sure to explore types of financial aid, how to apply for financial aid and more.


Tuition and Fees

Your tuition and fees to attend PennWest California depend on various factors, including where you live, your student level (graduate degree or other program) and how your courses are delivered (on campus or online). Review the most up-to-date graduate student tuition costs at PennWest California, as established by the Board of Governors of Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education.

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A PennWest California residence hall.

Housing and Meal Plans


PennWest California offers housing options to graduate students, including a variety of room configurations for one to three roommates or suitemates. Different meal plan options also are available. Explore living at PennWest California and costs for University housing and dining. 

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Find out what an affordable education looks like at PennWest California.

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