Professor Helps with Food Delivery

Apr 27, 2020

Dr. Sean Madden's efforts benefit those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

sean madden

Dr. Sean Madden (right) helps with food distribution.


When the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank and 412 Food Rescue teamed up recently to deliver food to those in need and at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Sean Madden was among those to volunteer. Madden, a professor in the Department of History, Politics, Society and Law, and director of international studies, has volunteered for 412 Food Rescue, which works with retailers to prevent food from going to waste, in the past and was happy to help this time, too. 

"This is the kind of stuff we teach, preach, and live as our University values at Cal," Madden said. "When the food bank asked where I was from, I was proud to say Cal U. I'm part of the University community, and the University is a part of the larger community. This is what it's all about."