
FROM: The Office of Multicultural Affairs and Diversity Education RE: Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month- September 15 - October 15 Hispanic Family Customs
10/8/2019 10:22:53 AM
To: Students


Hispanic Family Customs

The Hispanic culture revolves around the family. Healthy, active relationships between family members define what it means to live a Latin lifestyle; and some numerous customs and activities reflect cultural pride. For instance, in every family with children, their fifteenth birthday, or quince años, reflects the age of transformation from a girl to woman. A Quinceñera is a party that pays tribute to that change. The young woman wears a formal dress and receives an abundance of gifts. Another cultural family practice in the Hispanic community is demonstrating values and customs through food. It is considered impolite not to finish a plate of food during a meal. An additional mealtime rule is no phones at the dinner table. It considered rude and disrespectful. Other traditions include removing your shoes before entering the front door of a Hispanic household; large family gatherings with music, dancing, and interacting with all guests are commonplace. Hispanic cultural fosters togetherness, love of family, and community. ~F. Rivera