
FROM: Wellness Services RE: Eating Disorders Awareness Week
2/24/2023 9:15:59 AM
To: Students

* Are you concerned about your eating habits?
* Do you have concerns about a friend or family member's eating habits?
* Do you feel stuck in in an ongoing dieting cycle?
* Have you ever wondered if you may have an eating disorder?
* Do you worry often about your weight and appearance?
* Do you worry that you may be eating and exercising too much or too little?
* Do negative thoughts about your body impact your mood?
* Would you like to learn more about disordered eating?
* Are you interested in seeking therapy for an eating disorder, but don't know how or where to go?


Learn more about eating disorders by joining us on:
Tuesday, February 28th 1PM-4PM &
Thursday, March 2nd from 9AM-11AM
No obligations. No judgments. Get your questions answered!

*For informational purposes only. This is not a therapy session.
Schedule a brief private virtual meeting to have your questions answered by emailing
HIPAA-protected Zoom link will be provided upon scheduling.