
FROM: H.E.A.R.T. RE: Alcohol Awareness Month (win $$)!!!!
4/13/2020 10:05:11 AM
To: Students


April is Alcohol Awareness Month.

Even though we aren't on campus right now, we still want alcohol awareness to be fun and interactive. H.E.A.R.T. (Health Education Awareness Resource Team) will be sending an email announcement with facts about alcohol Monday-Thursday of this week. On Friday, a quiz will be sent in the announcements. All those who complete the quiz by Friday at 4pm will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon e-gift card! 

Here are some facts about alcohol:

        80% of college students report that they engage in some form of drinking during their college career with 50% of those students engaging in binge drinking.

       Binge drinking for men is consuming five or more alcoholic beverages in two hours or less.

       Binge drinking for women is consuming four or more alcoholic beverages in two hours or less.



Be sure to check the announcements EACH DAY for more alcohol awareness information so that you can be sure to ace the quiz on Friday and win some money!!! For questions, please contact Rachel Michaels at